Membership Rules


Applicants are invited to attend three or four rehearsals. They will then be asked to audition before being accepted as a member of the Choir, and to re-audition every three years thereafter unless directed otherwise by the Music Director.

As a company limited by guarantee (liability limited to £1), all members of the Choir are shareholders and are asked to sign a shareholder form (attached) after a successful audition.


This will be on a one-to-one basis with the Music Director and possibly an Accompanist. It will consist of some scales (or vocal exercises) to assess the vocal range; a short, prepared song of the applicant‘s own choice and a sight reading piece.


Members are expected to be available to sing in all concerts promoted by GCU, and to attend all rehearsals. At the Music Director's discretion, there is a probability that if you do not attend 80% of rehearsals, you will not be able to sing in the concert.Final piano and orchestral rehearsals are COMPULSORY. If you have a problem about either of these, you must see the Music Director about it and you must tell the Membership Secretary and Concert Seating Manager of the Music Director's decision.  

All singers will have allocated seats at concerts; for those at the Royal Albert Hall, these will either be on the RAH pass giving access to the hall or if there is a list of names at the Stage Door, wristbands will be issued, singers will be notified in advance of their seat allocation; at the Royal Festival Hall a list of singers will be at the Stage Door; a pass with door codes at RFH will be issued by RFH staff at the stage door reception and seat allocations will be displayed in the dressing rooms; in other venues eg Cadogan Hall, Holy Trinity Sloane Square, names will be on seats.

Subscription Rates

The subscription rates for members of GCU in the 2024/2025 season are:

  • Those aged 35 or older on 1st September 2024 - £300.

  • Those aged under 35 on 1st September 2024 who are not full-time students - £150.

  • Those aged under 35 on 1st September 2024 who are also full-time students and those on benefits (Jobseeker’s Allowance, Universal Credit, Income Support, Pension Credit) - £75.

Exceptionally, the Committee may agree to accept a lower subscription from a member in special circumstances, such as particular financial hardship.

The above subscriptions are to be paid in one lump-sum by cheque or bank transfer (preferred) or by standing order of monthly payments. Please see the Subscriptions Secretary (Clive Richards) to discuss payments..

Gift Aid

It is a great advantage to GCU if all Members who pay Income Tax at the standard rate or at higher rate makes a Gift Aid declaration allowing GCU to reclaim Gift Aid tax relief on subscription payments (please ask the Membership Secretary for a gift aid form).

It would be helpful if all Members would complete a new form if their personal information or circumstances change. In particular, Members who cease to be taxpayers should immediately notify the Membership Secretary. 

Dress for concerts

Except for the summer concert or for concerts of Christmas music - is:

For gentlemen - black dinner suits, white shirt, black cummerbund (if desired), black bow-ties, black shoes and socks.

For ladies - long-sleeved, high-necked, long (i.e ankle length) black dresses or long-sleeved, high necked, black blouses and ankle length black skirts or smart ‘evening style’ trousers with black shoes, black tights/stockings/pop socks and small black handbags.

NO black jeans or black leggings should be worn and NO sparkling jewellery for any choir members please.

All choir members should use the black choir music folder and the ladies must wear a Leo medallion on a plain black ribbon; both folders and Leos can be obtained from GCU.

For the summer concert, dress for gentlemen may be all-black (black shirt, black trousers, shoes and socks but no bow ties) and for concerts of Christmas music a touch of colour may be added to normal concert dress for all members who will be advised in advance of this.  

Platform Behaviour

Unless directed otherwise, the Choir should process on to the concert platform in an orderly manner. Hold the music folder on the side nearest the audience so that the name Goldsmiths Choral Union is displayed. Remain standing until given the signal to sit.

Absolutely NO waving and/or pointing to friends/family in the audience. Once seated on stage, please keep chatting to a minimum. Stand at the entrance of the conductor and soloists and sit and stand during the performance as previously instructed or as indicated by the conductor. At the end of the concert, remain standing with music held in the right hand by the singers side. Sit when the conductor and soloists leave the platform and as the leader of the orchestra sits (if there is one). 

NEVER applaud the soloists, orchestra or conductor WHILST STANDING - the applause of the audience is as much for you as for them. Enjoy it! You may applaud other performers when the choir is seated.


Rehearsals are normally held from 6.30pm to 9.00pm on Wednesday evenings at Queen’s Gate House, 65-67 Queen’s Gate, London SW7. Detailed rehearsal schedules are provided and are on the choir website –

The password for the members’ section is haggis.

Please make sure that you tick the register each week and mark your availability to sing in each concert.

If you are unable to attend a rehearsal for any reason, you must inform the Membership Secretary, preferably in advance, by leaving a note on the “Messages” sheet or contact your Part Rep. If you cannot attend at the last minute, please try to contact your Part Rep or the Membership Secretary by telephone or email

Part Reps and Committee Members

There is a Part Rep for each voice section and their contact details and those of Committee Members is provided on an address sheet which is available on the choir website. Part Reps are happy to answer any queries from members in their section and will pass on any ideas, suggestions and complaints to any member of the Committee.

The Committee has a maximum of 11 members of which the Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and Concerts Manager are the main officials.

Singers are asked to provide their own music as storage at Queen’s Gate House is not available.

From time-to-time, the Music Director might give guidance on which edition of a piece of music should be obtained and also information on whether this can be downloaded. 

Leos and Music Folders

Leos and Music Folders must be used for all concerts. Currently, these can be obtained from Jenny Leach in the Soprano section of the choir.


All choir members are encouraged to sell as many tickets as possible for each concert promoted by GCU and these can usually be purchased at rehearsals in the weeks’ leading up to a concert. It is also hoped that choir members will do all they can to publicise concerts promoted by GCU by distributing leaflets for the concerts and encouraging their friends, family and work colleagues to attend. Tickets for concerts promoted by the Raymond Gubbay organisation, eg Messiah at the Royal Festival Hall, are only available via the concert venue and not from GCU.

If you are unable to sell tickets for a GCU promoted concert, please consider other ways in which you could help offset the costs. By making an equivalent donation towards the concert costs, this could help towards sponsoring a soloist or the cost of hiring an organ/piano or programme printing.

Sponsorship and Advertising

If any member has contacts which might result in the Choir obtaining sponsorship or advertising in programmes, please advise the Chairman, Secretary or any member of the Committee.

Friends of GCU

Please encourage your friends and family to become a “Friend” of Goldsmiths Choral Union. For a minimum donation of £90 a year, members are entitled to one complimentary top price ticket for each GCU promoted concert. Their support of the work of the choir and the income they provide is important to us. For more information, please contact Polly Watts on

GCU Rules - September 2024