Goldsmiths Choral Union is very grateful to have the backing of the Friends of GCU –which you’re most welcome to join
Friends of GCU support the choir by making a minimum annual donation of £90. In recognition of their generosity and their valuable support, GCU offers Friends a complimentary ticket for each concert promoted by the choir. And, if you wish, you get your name in our programmes!
If you’d like to support GCU by becoming a friend or would simply like to make a donation, please email Polly Watts at friends@goldsmithschoral.org.uk
Or you can fill in the following forms and send them to Polly. Friends of GCU Form download.
Please contact the Chairman or Secretary if you are interested in sponsoring GCU:
Chairman: Sharon Pierson
Hon. Secretary: Robin Happé
We are proud many GCU performances are self-promoted. We would be thrilled if you felt able to play a supporting role in our future. We are grateful to all those generous people who support our activities.
GCU aims to:
Promote high-quality performances of adventurous choral works in London’s major venues
Broaden the musical experience of members and audiences via workshops and open rehearsals
Support young musicians by bringing forward exciting young artists, maintaining links with music colleges, and recruiting young members, with special arrangements for students.
We generate as much of our income as possible from concert-ticket sales, members’ subscriptions, and the sale of advertising space in concert programmes. We often collaborate with other choirs.
We have worked with many UK charities. Sponsorship by BT allowed the choir to help other charities, such as the Children’s Society, Crisis and Help the Aged. Elizabeth Fitzroy Homes, the Jacqueline Du Pré Memorial Fund, and the British Red Cross have benefited from GCU’s performances.