GCU Roles and Responsibilities

Have you ever thought about exactly what it takes to keep the well oiled wheels on the GCU bus turning or what it takes to pull together our rehearsals and concerts? 

Have you ever wondered what the responsibilities and activities of Committee members are, and what other members of the choir do in their non-committee roles?

Wonder no more!

In this section of the GCU Handbook you will find links to all the roles that we need in place to be able to run the choir effectively. The roles also have their associated activities linked to them as well, so that you can see what is involved.

We have currently identified 30 roles and I’m sure we probably have more that we’ll uncover over time.

Please do take time to go through these roles to help you understand what goes on behind the scenes of rehearsals and concerts.

We always need more people to help with the running of GCU, so after reading through these roles, please think about ‘What Just One Thing you could do to help.

If you have any questions on any of the roles and see activities you could help with, please speak to the individual role holder or the GCU Chairman.